\”Secession belongs to a different class of remedies. It is to be justified upon the basis that the States are sovereign. There was a time when none denied it. I hope the time may come again, when a better comprehension of the theory of our Government, and inalienable rights of the people of the States, will prevent any one from denying that each State is a sovereign, and thus may reclaim the grants which it has made to any agent whomsoever.\”– Jefferson Davis Farewell Address to U.S. Senate, 21 Jan. 1861
The late-2012 internet Secession Petition campaign was quite an affirmation for those of us who were secessionists before secession was cool! Now that the “S word” is being spread all across the land by various media—including our own League of the South “Secede” billboard in Tallahassee, Florida–we think an explanation of the right of secession and its benefits and The League’s stand on the issue is warranted. Oh, and before we get started we would like to set three things straight: 1) secession is not illegal; 2) it is not treason; and 3) it is not lunatic and impractical. What it is is this: America’s founding political principle!
The League\’s goal is the survival and well being of the Southern people. We believe secession—and independence–is the best way to achieve that goal. Since 1861 the republican system of government established by the Founders has been steadily eroded. Today that government has become the cruel master rather than the obedient servant of the citizens of the several States. We see no way of reforming the corruption within the present system; therefore, the League seeks to spread acceptance of the idea of secession among the people of the South and elsewhere.
We believe that free people may change their government if it refuses to protect their lives, liberty, and property. As the present government of the United States has violated the original compact of 1789 and no longer offers its citizens such protection, we believe that the time has come for the Southern States to consider the merits of secession. The League of the South does not advocate the overthrow of the government of the United States; rather, we wish to leave peaceably and form our own country (or countries), as the people of the South shall freely decide.
Secession in 2014 is not premature, impractical, nor against the law. The time is right for separation and the establishment of local self-rule for all peoples who desire to be free. Secession has long been seriously debated in several western States and in Canada. The break-up of the Soviet Empire hastened such movements all across Eastern Europe, and now all of Europe is aflame with nationalist and secessionist movements.
The South has clearly lagged behind in the drive for self-determination, undoubtedly because many Southerners believe secession is illegal because the Southern States were forced to renounce and repeal their secession ordinances under the duress of military occupation during the Reconstruction era. However, the right of secession is nothing more than the right of sovereign States to recall the powers they delegated to the federal government when they ratified the US Constitution. This right cannot be renounced because liberty and self-determination are inalienable rights and ones that men are willing to fight, die, and kill for. Therefore, secession is not illegal or unconstitutional. Rather, it is still a practical alternative to the further dissolution and chaos of a virtually ungovernable union. We must act boldly and take advantage of a favorable cultural and political climate. If we hesitate now, we very well may lose.
If the States of the old Confederacy and the Border States of Missouri, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Maryland were a unified political entity, its GNP would place it among the top three or four countries of the world. Its laws would better reflect the natural conservatism and Christian roots of the Southern Folk. Our laws on gun control, abortion, public prayer, and immigration, among other issues, would without question be different. We could establish a confederation of sovereign States. We could follow George Washington\’s sage advice about \”entangling alliances.\” We could leave the United Nations and oppose the globalists’ New World Order. We could stop foreign aid to those who despise us and seek our destruction. We could once again reward merit. We could get government out of our children\’s education. In other words, we could again seize control of our own destiny.
In order to make secession work, we must be tough-minded and willing to stand up to the forces of tyranny that are loose in the land. We must not cast ourselves as victims, for victims are perceived as helpless and thus dependent for their salvation on the goodwill of others. We must not ask permission to exercise our ancient rights and liberties; we should seize them as free men using all honorable means at our disposal. We also must build a strong organization that is able to give form to our vision: the preservation of the Southern people and a country grounded firmly on the hallowed traditions and virtuous principles of our forebears. If you agree with our general position, we invite you to join us.
Michael Hill
President, The League of the South